P1-3 Running Club

We are looking for runners who want to keep active and get fit. 

On a Thursday 12-12:30, a lunch time running club is going to start up between now and when the poor weather starts. Myself (Miss Rae) with the help of interested parents who would like to run too will lead the running. If you are interested in being a parent helper- doesn’t need to be every week  but it would be good if we had around 5 helpers each week. Send a little note in with your child and we can perhaps start up a rota. 

If you are interested, you must have a packed lunch on a Thursday, a water bottle, a jacket, trainers and warm clothes to run in. Jumpers and a jacket are essential.

This club will run for as long as we can keep going until the weather defeats us. 

This will put us in with good training in preparation for the McRobert Cup and the Baillie Cup which happen later on in the year around March and June.

Come along on Thursday for some fun, but remember you will be doing lots of running.

Looking forward to getting started! 

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