Home Learning

Practise reading your book and other stories at home. Take some words out of the book and write them on post its and put them around the room. Ask your child to go and find the word that you have said. Can they make a sentence with that word out loud?

Key words- if you have them, keep practising. We are getting there! 

Common Words- The children are becoming more independent and know which ones they are on. Practise these at home.

Common words

Walk to school week- Do your best to try and walk/cycle/scoot/ park and stride this week. It is good for our health and for the environment

Counting backwards from 10/20/30 


Walk to School Week

This week is Walk to School Week and we will be keeping a daily record of how we get to school.

We are also going to be looking at transport and its impact on the environment to tie in with this.

I know for some people it is not possible to walk/scoot/cycle to school but if you could park and stride so that your child is walking part of the way to the school that would be great.

Having the time in the morning to be outside, in the fresh air, walking with friends, looking around at what you can see is a great way to start your day! 

Image result for walking to school clipart